APK Format Will Be replaced by AAB On Play Store

By abdul azis hartadi

Apk replaced by AAB

APK, replaced by AAB starting this month of August, has long been developers using APK

Upload or upload his work on the Google Play Store using the APK extension (Application Package File)

which will immediately change APK by default to AAB

APK is a file format that can be distributed and installed on a smartphone phone or whatever is based on Android OS.

Google introduced the APK format itself through AAndroid in the first year it appeared, and

then, in 2018, AAB (Android Application Bundle)

presented through the Android Studio IDE, which at that time was only an option for developers when going to upload to the Android Play Store

Difference between APK and AAB

“APK format will be confused and replaced by AAB starting in August 2021.”

With the AAB Format, the application to be installed on Android is much smaller, about 15% of the APK format.

The Play Store server will automatically select the language, image resolution, and additional resources that can be optimized on your smartphone,

Whereas if the APK must work on various devices,

the actual resources (resources) that are not needed will be embedded in the machine.

One exciting feature that can be activated through the bundle is that the application can be broken into various parts,

Like when you play a game. When you are at the initial level, users do not need to brew the entire application for all levels; with Play Asset Delivery, The next level can be downloaded when required. And the Play Store automatically knows which assets it needs.

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