How to Check NIK KTP Online

By abdul azis hartadi

How to Check NIK KTP Online

How to Check NIK online can be done by anyone and anywhere. We don't have to come to the dukcapil office anymore. This method can also be practically done on mobile phones to check online id cards. By checking online we can find out the status of our NIK population is correct or not registered in the database in the center. Every Indonesian citizen and has sufficient requirements must have a Identity Card. KTP can be obtained at the Office of Population and Civil Records (DUKCAPIL).

On each ID card there will be a Population Master Number that is short with NIK. This number can show that we are Indonesian citizens. NIK KTP is also one of the important things for us. This population number stores data from personal data. Starting from the full name, religion, status, and others.

E-KTP Starts Applying

Berchip id card starts to be applied for online access

KTP previously used only in the form of cards and no data online starting in 2009 in the enactment of population data with the launch of the E-KTP program. The electronic ID card program is intended to facilitate us in administrative affairs that need the identity of the population. With the KTP-el (Electronic ID card) also minimizes the existence of counterfeiting there are residents with dual identities. Another advantage we can also access online KTP that we have.

How to Check KTP Online

By being able to check id cards online we can find out whether our data is valid or not. If the data is invalid we must immediately report to the relevant agency (Dukcapil) so that there is a revamp in the data. If we leave it invalid there will be problems in the future. The need for valid data is also important for administration such as bank account opening, registration and selection of CPNS and others.

NIK KTP Online must have 16 Digit numbers. This sequence of numbers contains the first six digits showing the provincial code where we register, city / district. The next 6 digits contain the date of the month of birth, and the last 4 digits are NIK issuance data through an automated process by SIAK (Population Administration Information System). Here are some ways to check NIK ID cards online that you can also do through HP or Smartphone.


How to Check Nik Online Through The Website
How to Check Nik KTP Online Through Website

How to check NIK KTP online can be done at the occupation service and civil records in each city. Of course, through the official website in each city that is recorded on the population number card that you have.

You can go to the browser and type the keywords to browse the dukcapil in your city. then enter the NIK KTP that will be checked online as well as the name of your address. Follow the instructions on the official DUKCAPIL website of each city.

Check NIK Through Electronic KTP Call Centre

Visit the official page or website of to get contacts about information services. Or you can contact the Halo Dukcapil call center at No. 15000537. The phone dial number was for the contact center service of the Directorate General of Dukcapil Kemendagri.

Through Whatsapp To Check KTP and NIK Online

whatsapp chat application to check
whatsapp chat application to check NIK KTP

How to check NIK KTP with online can also be done through the WhatsApp chat application. Of course, to use this method you need an internet connection and WhatsApp app downloaded through the Google Play Store or App Store. Whatsapp is also one of the short messaging applications through online that may now almost the owner of a mobile phone in Indonesia has it.

Contact center service can be served through WhatsApp chat messaging application. The trick is to put or write an address number to reach. Here is a list of WhatsApp Dukcapil numbers:

List of Dukcapil Service WA numbers

  • 0811-1902-4156
  • 0811-1902-4157
  • 0811-1902-4158
  • No WA service
  • 0811-1902-4159
  • 0811-1902-4160
  • 0811-1902-4161
  • No WA service
  • 0811-1902-4162
  • 0811-1902-4163
  • O811-1903-4164
  • 0811-1903-4165

After saving the above number on WhatsApp contacts, users can and ask for help with population administration. If NIK is not found, you can do this by filling the message with a pattern:

  • #NIK (about 16 digit numbers) your ID card
  • #Nama_lengkap you
  • #Nomor_Kartu_Keluarga (16 digit numbers)
  • #Nomor_telepon you
  • #Alamat_email you
  • #Keluhan

How to check NIK KTP online through Dukcapil social media

Dukcapil also has sosmed for the purposes of ktp information
Dukcapil also has sosmed to check online id

Then the NIK KTP check method online means you can determine is through Dukcapil's official social media called Halo Dukcapil on Facebook and @ccdukcapil on Instagram and Twitter.

You can also contact the official social media account of Dukcapil each region either Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to check NIK KTP through online means.

Check id cards via email

Check id cards can also be via email
Check NIK KTP can also be via Email

Check NIK by E-mail by emailing [email protected], with the email message pattern #NIK#Nama_Lengkap#Nomor_Kartu_Keluarga#Nomor_Telp#Complaints. After sending, you will just wait for a reply that takes about 1x 24 hours to get a reply and know the results of the NIK examination.

Check NIK With SMS Short Messages

although it has begun to be abandoned dukcapil can still provide SMS for ktp nik check
although it has begun to be abandoned dukcapil can still provide SMS for ktp nik check

How to find out data from NIK via SMS you must use the format Check #KTP #NIK and then send it to the Dukcapil phone number of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Ministry of Home Affairs) at number 0815-3636-9999. For the record the number can not make a phone call. So all you can do is send an sms to ask for help about check no ktp.

Those are some of the ways to check NIK ID cards online. All you can do in a very easy and practical way can also be done on a mobile phone or laptop. Of course because this is online make sure you also have a good Internet connection and sufficient credit.