WhatsApp Won't Limit Features In Privacy Policy Updates

By abdul azis hartadi

Anyone who currently uses an advanced device aka smartphone almost certainly uses the digital messaging service WhatsApp, as we know WhatsApp makes a strange policy in their Term of Service update.

WhatsApp initially threatened to revoke or limit key features for users who refused to accept its controversial new privacy policy, which gave up on “forcing” users to accept their new privacy policies after the policy drew controversy around the world.

WhatsApp initially threatened to revoke key features

Instead, the company clarified on Friday that it would not limit any features and functionality even though you have not received the updated app's privacy policy, TNW reported.


“In light of recent discussions with various authorities and from privacy experts,

“We want to make it clear that we will not limit the functionality of how WhatsApp works for those who have not received updates.”

A WhatsApp spokesperson said in a statement to verge. They added that this was a plan ahead indefinitely.

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In an update on the company's FAQ page,

WhatsApp clarified that user accounts will not be deleted or lose their features or functionality if they do not accept the new policy. Even so,

WhatsApp will still send reminders to these users to update “from time to time,” WhatsApp told the Verge. On its support page, WhatsApp claims that the majority of users who have seen the update have received.

Deadline by WhatsApp

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Initially, the deadline for acceptance was planned for February,

But WhatsApp delayed that date back to May 15 after coming under fire from lawmakers.

defenders of consumer rights, and their own users.

Among other critics.

The issue is how this updated policy allows WhatsApp to handle users' personal data.

It raised concerns that WhatsApp would start providing the information to its parent company, Facebook.

(Indeed, WhatsApp has been doing that with users' phone numbers since an update to its privacy policy in 2016, as Verge noted.) The launch of WhatsApp's sludgy term of service and a terrifying-sounding “coercion” ultimatum further sparked outrage.


The company aims to debunk these privacy concerns on its FAQ page, which stresses that the new policy primarily affects business messaging and Facebook will not have access to users' location data or message logs.

WhatsApp chief Will Cathcart also posted a Twitter thread explaining more details.

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WhatsApp competitors

Despite this, rival digital messaging platforms such as Telegram and Signal have seen download increases since WhatsApp announced a deadline to accept its new privacy policy.

Some federal authorities have pushed WhatsApp to revoke its new privacy policy or limit its rollout to users.

on the grounds that the TOS (Term Of Service) update violates local data protection regulations.

Source: https://gizmodo.com/whatsapp-wont-limit-functionality-if-you-dont-accept-it-1846996975

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